General Dentistry

Often, most people visit the best Sydney dentist only when they are already feeling some sort of pain, discomfort, or any recognisable differences on what is perceived to be normal. At this point, your dentist Sydney can only do so much to save the involved tooth.

This may include having to put dental fillings, placing inlays or dental crowns, maybe root canal therapy or tooth extraction if the damage is extensive, and the eventual placement of dental prostheses such as dental bridge, dentures, or dental implants.

Best Dentist SydneyThese procedures entail extra expenses especially for those that require a series of treatments to save your tooth.

What patients need to understand is a visit to the best dentist Sydney is made worthwhile when you understand the value of Preventive Dentistry and how it can save your teeth from future dental problems and save your pockets from spending too much on dental treatments.

Preventive Dentistry involves procedures that are done to reduce or completely eradicate dental problems. Tooth decay is the most common cause of dental concerns and this is a highly preventable disease if preventive measures are laid out for you by your best dentist Parramatta.

Such preventive measures include:

  • Maintenance of good oral health through good patient education on oral hygiene practices;
  • Regular visits to your best Parramatta dentist of at least twice a year, every 6 months for professional teeth cleaning Sydney, and fluoride application;
  • Good home care oral hygiene practices such as tooth brushing twice a day, flossing, and gargling with a mouthwash;
  • Comprehensive dental check-ups to identify early onset of oral habits and dental problems so they can be managed and treated early.

Parramatta Dentistry can help you with your dental needs before it worsens and this will start with a consultation with our team of skilled and experienced dental professionals.

After all, prevention is better than cure, and setting up an appointment to ensure that you are promised a healthier smile is the first step towards good oral health.

I am obsessed about dentistry and its never-ending evolution, and endeavour to make your dental experience a pleasant and mutually rewarding experience.

03 Aug, 2017

Finding A Resident Dentist

Dental services are considered to be invaluable making them important to have. Having a resident dentist in Parramatta can really make a difference especially during emergencies when treatment needs to… Read More
28 May, 2021

Dental Cleaning Cost

For a healthy mouth and a bright smile, professional dental cleaning is one of the most important dental preventive measures that patients should religiously do. Aside from the regular oral… Read More