Dental Crowns Parramatta

Dental crown is a dental restoration that works like a helmet that protects a tooth from vertical split or restoring a heavily broken down tooth.

At Parramatta Dentistry, our tooth crown cost starts from just $1,820 inclusive of a 5 year limited warranty!

  • Emax Crown
    • This is currently one of the most used dental ceramic in the world for its strength and aesthetic properties. Emax can be modified to enhance its aesthetic properties via cutback layering, staining, or simply just match adjacent teeth’s colour. Our in house CAD/CAM machine can produce such crown in a single visit minimising your time away from your busy lifestyle.

  • Porcelain Fused Metal Crown
    • Dental ceramic can be fused to a thinner metal coping to mimic the aesthetic of a tooth. This type of crown is still the most popular type of crown used in Australia, but some significant drawbacks have led to its gradual decline in preference amongst dentists. The combined thickness of metal coping and porcelain meant that the crown will either be quite bulky, or more tooth structure need be cut away to accommodate the thicker crown layer. Further, the porcelain is prone to cracking and wear which overtime exposes the metal coping and becomes less aesthetic. Of course, chipping of porcelain is simply an aesthetic drawback and in less aesthetic demanding situation this is still a suitable option.

  • Zirconia Crown
    • Zirconia is an extremely rigid and strong ceramic and can withstand most dental functions with little risk of fracture. Aesthetic is adequate but due to the nature of material (metal crystal oxide) it exudes a slight metallic tinge and also is insufficiently translucent in aesthetic demanding situation. Material advancement is improving its translucency but strength is also compromised and may not be sufficient to mask out dark underlying tooth structure.

  • Gold Crown
    • Gold alloy as a dental restorative material is extremely resilient yet wears at a rate similar to tooth structure. If not for the fact that it does not look like a tooth, it remains one of the most popular choice amongst restorative dentists and specialists.

When too much tooth structure is lost.

  1. Replacing the centre of the tooth for a good foundation
  2. Preparing the tooth for a crown
  3. Cementation

Same-day crown is also called CEREC, which is short for ceramic restoration. It’s using the latest digital technology to make all-ceramic fillings in one visit.

The tooth crown on average lasts 5 to 15 years, depending on your care, routine hygiene maintenance, teeth grinding, mouth-related habit and personal lifestyles.

You may experience sensitivity or discomfort right after the procedure; however, it should settle down fairly quickly and shouldn’t hurt.

  • If the tooth has not had root canal therapy, there is a 3-15% chance it may be needed
  • Decay can still occur under the crown
  • You could experience sensitivity or discomfort right after the procedure
  • Crown can be chipped or loose or fall off

Yes, a tooth can decay under a crown. To fix it, we have to remove the old crown, fix the tooth decay under the crown, and place a new crown.

You may have a black line under your crown as your tooth had root canal therapy previously, or decay developing. To get rid of it, remove old crown, remove decays if there is any and replace with a new crown.


We are the best dentistry for dental crowns in Parramatta.