Dental Fillings Parramatta

This is what happens when a tooth is starting or is decayed by cavity. A dental filling or a dental restoration is a treatment method for teeth with dental decay or cavities, chips, cracks and broken parts of teeth.

The filling is designed so that once these areas affected by decay are removed or are missing, we can replace that part so that you can continue to eat, chew and smile!

Tooth filling can also be used to restore broken or cracked teeth or those that have been worn down because of improper use such as tooth grinding or chewing hard objects.

The location and the severity of the decay, the insurance coverage, the dental filling cost required, the advice of the dentist, all these factors determine the kind of filling to use for the decayed part.
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The different types of fillings are the following: gold, silver, tooth-coloured composites, ceramics, and also glass ionomer. Each of these fillings has their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to you and your dentist to decide on the right kind of filling to choose.

These are the same with the composite or tooth-coloured fillings, the only difference is that they are done in the laboratory and require two sessions before they are placed on the tooth. This type of fillings is intended for tooth that has not enough structure to support it yet there is not much decay on the tooth and just needs a crown to protect it.

There are two kinds of indirect fillings, the inlays and onlays. Inlays are the same as fillings but it’s on the cusps where the work is found. Onlays are often called partial crowns. The work is more extensive than inlays and it covers one or more cusps.

These are known to be more durable than the traditional fillings and they are meant to last for 30 years. There are also direct onlays and inlays and the only difference is that they are made in the dental clinic and it can be placed in merely one visit of the patient.

There are many types of materials used and depending on the size, area, and use of the tooth a different material will be considered. This will be looked at by our team of dentists during your examination appointment and discussed with you.

Some materials that we use at Parramatta Dentistry include:

  • Composite resin: a tooth colour resin material that can be used to replace small to moderate size cavities in teeth. This is the most common material that is used for dental fillings today. They last quite a while in the mouth, with most studies showing them to last for over 5 to 10 years.

  • Amalgam: A silver coloured material that has hints of heavy metal in it. A very common material to use in the past but does require a lot of tooth structure to be removed before being placed. They last for a long time but are no longer used often due to the heavy metal content and colour.

  • Gold: A precious metal that is usually an option for large fillings such as Indirect Onlays and Inlays, or crowns. A very strong material and very durable but is costly and not to everyone’s taste.

  • Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC): A dental material that is similar to a composite resin filling but is a little weaker. They adhere to the tooth very well and in patients with a high dental decay risk it is recommended as some types release fluoride to help prevent decay from progressing. In young children who find a dental visit very stressful, GICs are used on baby teeth to help the baby teeth until the adult teeth come through.

  • Ceramic: A smooth white porcelain material that can be used for Indirect and Direct Inlays and Onlays as well as Dental Crowns. They are very strong and can be matched to the tooth colour.

Each of these types of materials have their own advantages and disadvantages that would suit your teeth better. To find out which is the best for you, have a conversation with our dentist at Parramatta Dentistry. Please call (02) 8090 1109 for an appointment.

A temporary filling is just that only for a certain time and not meant to last. It is needed under the following circumstances: when the fillings need beyond just one appointment, after a root canal therapy, to let the tooth nerve settle down if ever the pulp has become infected, and during emergency dental cases. You need to consult with the dentist within one month for the filling to be replaced or else it will be infected and might cause other complications.

For the dental fillings to stay in place, anyone who has had fillings should practice good oral hygiene, daily brushing after every meal, daily flossing, and rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash at least once daily. When you notice that the filling is cracked, has a sharp edge, or a piece of the tooth is missing, it is crucial that you call the dentist right away.

Pain and sensitivity are common issues after a filling is done. Your tooth may be sensitive to air, sweet and cold foods, pressure on the tooth, etc. These issues will resolve on their own after two to four weeks, and there is no need for pain reliever. If not, you have to consult with your dentist.

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Rarely are there instances when someone shows an allergic reaction to dental fillings. Symptoms of this allergic reaction are the same as when does have skin allergy. There will be rashes and itching. When indeed there is allergic reaction involved, another restorative material has to be used as replacement.

One other problem is deteriorating fillings which is a result of constant pressure caused by chewing, clenching, or grinding. Only the dentist will be able to determine if the filling is deteriorating; that is why it is a must to undergo regular check-up with the dentist every six months.

Within the Sydney region, dental fillings prices can start anywhere from $300 depending on the size of the area and the dental material used.

At Parramatta Dentistry, our tooth filling cost depends on the size of the filling needed. Tooth filling prices can start at $185 and upwards depending on how many surfaces the filling will be covering. Costs also depend on whether it is a Direct Filling or Indirect Filling.

With Direct Fillings, filling that can be placed on the tooth immediately such as Composite Resin, GIC or Amalgam, these fillings start at $185.

These prices are without considerations to your private health insurance with dental extras. For a more accurate quote, please book an appointment with us at Parramatta Dentistry for proper assessment and bring your health fund card with you.

HICAP is available at our practice to quote you on the spot for these treatments or we can print out your invoice for you to claim at a later date.