Cosmetic Dentistry


tooth implant recovery time ParramattaGetting a dental implant is a surgery and this procedure requires an aftercare. After getting an implant, there are restrictions on what to eat after the surgery as well as things you need to do and to avoid.

Cleaning your dental implants is the same as brushing your teeth on a daily basis, you can floss and use mouthwash too. Keep your implants as clean as possible which is why there are different dental implant cleaning materials used that you should consider buying.

Tooth implant recovery time will take about weeks to months and the dental implant procedure timeline is for about 6 months. It will start with your initial consultation and this is where the dentist will take a look at your medical history, take x-rays and impressions.

Surgery will then follow and after a healing period for about 6 months, the abutment will be placed. After that, there will be 2nd healing period then the last stage will be the placement of the dentures.

Any surgery causes pain, just the same as dental implant procedure pain. A lot of patients are worried about the pain associated with dental implants and its duration. They want to know if the pain is mild or intense as well as the ways to alleviate the pain after the surgery.

The first day after the surgery is critical because this is where you will feel most pain because the anaesthesia has already subsided, there will be some slight bleeding and swelling.

Always follow the post procedure instructions of your dentist because it will be crucial for your mouth to avoid getting infections or diseases. Also, drink the medicines recommended by your dentist and most of all maintain a proper oral hygiene.

There is a lot of tooth implant performed in Parramatta and most dentists are offering dental implant surgery with the most advance technology and still in an affordable price in which you can get the same treatment as to those other practices with an expensive cost.

I am obsessed about dentistry and its never-ending evolution, and endeavour to make your dental experience a pleasant and mutually rewarding experience.

28 Aug, 2020

Porcelain Veneers Sydney

What are Porcelain Veneers? Porcelain veneers are wafer thin ceramic shelled material that is fitted on the front surface of the teeth. They are designed to improve the overall aesthetic… Read More